As children reach their teenage life, they undergo many physical and mental changes. They go through storms, storms inside their mind. Being young blood, most teenagers stop listening to their parents and adopt the mentality that their parents do not know anything about life and don’t understand them.
They think they are cool, smart, and intelligent, but it is all a phase of the teenage experience. This world is not fair, especially for girls. So, all girls need to understand a few things before they mature.
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The main problem occurs for girls as every parent is overprotective of their girl child because this is a man’s world. It is unfair, ungrateful, and unequal.
So, Today I will share The Top 5 Facts that every girl should know before turning 25.
[toc]1. Enjoyment

The phase of being young is very temporary. Enjoy it to the maximum while keeping a balance with other things. Knowing the importance of the stuff you do is the only thing that will help you in the future. All your online friends/followers do not matter; They don’t matter at all. Stop wasting time on them.
I do not say you should stop enjoying life and start working as an animal but what I want to say is, enjoy your life with your friends but don’t make them your life as in 20 years – none – not a single one of them would be of any use to your life.
Don’t waste your whole life over the enjoyment of a couple of years. Your friend circle will define, make, or break your chances of success.
2. Love

Never trust any man. Most men consider women as sex objects. Moreover, if any man is kind to you, be cautious.
You will have to fight for what is right. By fight, I mean use your heart, head, and the human spirit to get things done, not force noise or violence. It is an ugly world, and men dominate it.Added to all this – it is unfair to women – biologically, politically, and even where the corporate world is concerned. Learn how to deal with it.
When a man wants you – he will move heaven, hell, and earth for you. The day he chooses not to be with you – he will give you hell.
3. Health

Your body will change once you become a mother. So whatever you eat/drink – smoke, alcohol, food, etc. will have its impact in a few years.
After you get married and become a mother, all the plans you have made are dead. That is both the tragedy and the blessing of being a woman. After you get married, all the romantic stuff he does for you will no longer exist. So, it is your life; keep yourself fit and well-maintained.
4. Career

Going out with friends to clubs, parties, events, all this you would be able to do in your 20s. After a few years, neither would you be interested nor inclined to do so.
The only thing that would save you in the next 25 years is how much money you can earn, how much of a leader you are, how successful your career is, and whom you choose as a life partner. Real men, by real, I mean very successful, influential, and worthwhile) will never be attracted to the typical young woman.
Men attracted to you will be the ones you hang around. Your vision, purpose, goals, action, and thoughts will determine your future. Decide what matters the most and be ready to go out there to get it. However, be focused and sure because you live only once.
5. Family

Your parents are your real friends who spend money on you and sacrifice thier life for you and will do anything for you. Trust them, Respect them. They are your Role Model and Mentor who shapes your future.
They always want to see you happy and stop you from time-wasting, smoking, drinking, late-night hangouts, and more bad habbits which can spoil your future.
It would be best if you listen to them as they do this to mold you for a better future. They have more experience with the world than you and know what is right and wrong with you.
Right now, some young women are working 100 times harder than you and are more focused than you.
They are all out to get all the goals, dreams, and opportunities you believe were meant for you.
The question arises, do you have what it takes to work hard? Alternatively, is life just meant for you to enjoy?
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Good article
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