Are People Faking Depression?

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Are People Faking Depression?

Around 10 million people in India and 350 million people suffer from depression worldwide every year. It is in all the age groups, from a young to old. It has become a significant issue today. Anyone in depression is cared for and prevailed from all the works to make them free from the burden.

Also, 15% of adults face depression at some point in their life. Many of them recover from it, but few are not able to recover from it. If we talk about the United States, 3 million people between the age group of 12 and 17 have experienced at least a significant depressive period in the past year, and it’s same for other age groups.

And this ends to 40% of people to have depression at some point in their life.

The number is being increased by 15% from 2005 to 2019.

Depression seems to be an invisible disease or problem as most of its symptoms are mental, emotional, and its signs are not always evident to the casual observer.  People with depression look utterly normal from outside because they become very good at pulling themselves together while out in public from practice, putting on a false smile hiding the turmoil that they feel inside them.  Then, during the night, when they are all alone, they fall apart.

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Today to get support and care, many people fake depression. They can even copy depression for their benefits. People might get in a fake depression only on by thinking that they have depression.

People reach a point where they start to believe what their family and friends have been telling them all alone. Maybe they have made themselves depressed. For so long they’ve been able to suck up their pain, remain positive and get on with their day until they started feeling flat and dissatisfied even after they have everything. They feel so unhappy to a point they always call them sick; for them, everything is so hard. And all is due to thinking that they have depression.

In a survey of hospitals and people in this field, they have said that every 1 out of 10 who come to them is not having depression and is faking it by mistake or intentionally. They do not possess any symptoms of depression, may have 1 or 2 but not much to declare depression.

But many people today say having depression, but they usually do not even have so. But for some intention, they do it.

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Even though depression can be challenging to discover, if you look closely, you may be able to see some of its signs like-

  • They seem to have trouble thinking, remembering things or making decision
  • Talking about feeling guilty, worthless or helpless
  • Seem hopeless or a pessimist about life?
  • Having problems getting good sleep
  • Looking irritable or restless
  • Seem not to be interested in things that they used to enjoy
  • Complaining of pains, headaches or digestive issues that don’t seem to get better never
  • Seem sad and quiet
  • Talk about death-suicide or not wanting to be around anymore

If they seem to exhibit several of these signs, then it is quite possible that they are telling the truth about their condition.

If these signs are not shown, it may be them showing fake depression but check appropriately before going to any result as it may not be seen every time you see.

Depression can become difficult to detect; if you look closely, you might be able to see some of the signs.

It highly doubtful that anyone would have the power and mindset to fake all of these symptoms. It’s more likely that they may uneducated about the mental illness, and are mistakenly misusing the term to describe themselves.

Depression is illness you can’t see of people unless it becomes so bad, they can’t leave the house or do anything. Most depressed people can also function, but that doesn’t mean they are healthy or faking depression.

If someone is faking the mental illness, like depression, they usually talk with themselves in the bag. I mean you can see or hear that they are lying every time – they tell different stories, even if they intend to talk about the same story and make it 100% fake. They cannot speak 100% true all the time, because they forget their dates or other details of their story. You can tell they are also faking if they are smiling or laughing while saying it.


Today depression has become a significant issue. Many people try to copy it for getting attention.

It may be more common for people to self diagnose depression, rather than fake it. Often people are uneducated about what depression is real and assume it an s form of sadness.

There are various reasons for faking depression. Some people pretend it because they have a “factitious disorder” a need to become a patient, to get care. They also fake physical illness, but an unnatural disorder can also be psychological. Some people fake depression because they expect something or some material gain, or like access in controlled medications, getting on the disability of payments, or getting out of some of the obligations like the contract of some kind or occasionally they also fake it because they are trying for defense in court.

Or maybe following

  • To get support from someone
  • Getting relief from something
  • To get care and sympathy
  • To get attention
  • Or possibly other personal benefits

Today many people have started faking depression and an increase in the number of people in depression may be increased by the faking of depression.

Some people can fake it. They can smile and laugh; they can act like everyone else but not in front of everyone, even while they show excruciating emotional pain in front of everyone. People who act as depressed but are likely fine may not confide in anyone.

Going by external appearances only, it’s very easy to think that someone might be faking his/her illness.  However, what we have is only a moment.  What matters most in determining whether he/she has depression too severe to attend work is what their life is overall. Maybe it was only in a particular situation because due to some circumstances.

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Picture of Davinder Singh

Davinder Singh

I am Blogger for fun.

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